英语考试中,阅读理解题一直是英语基础差的同学们的弱项。有时候文章看不懂只能靠蒙,可惜祖坟始终不冒青烟,30 分就这样白白丢掉。
很多同学问我有什么做英语阅读题的技巧,能在考试中取得高分。阿淞以三十多年的英语临床研究经验告诉你,是有的。 今天,我就作为一个长者,分享一点人生经验。
Fast as time flies, Hexi couldn't forget what he experienced with his classmate Song two years ago still. Yesterday night, after having finished curriculums, he went to Song's bed with two packets of peppery preserved vegetables (香辣榨菜)held in his hand.
"Let's have them together tonight, so that we can recall what we did in Senior 1." Hexi said with a strange smile on his face.
However, Song was in great fear because of the terrible memory that he spilled the preserved vegetables liquor(汤汁) on his bed while trying drinking it. But Song found it will make him recognized as a weak man if refusing Hexi's challenge, so he agreed.
Then they sat on the bed and played a game named "rock, paper, scissors" - every time the one who lost should eat it a little.
To everyone's surprise,what luck Song owned! Hexi ate a packet and a half of preserved vegetables in the end,which made him looked like a "fireman"...
"No...no...I...I can't..." Hexi seems to be dying, burning his lips to red.
"Are you alright?" Song took another pocket from his school bag, "We haven't finished yet."
Hexi was so frightened that he wanted to escape such a hell but caught by Song.
"let me go..." Hexi prayed with a feeling of helplessness.
- What happened to Song in Senior 1? A. He had lunch for which was paid by Hexi. B. He played "rock, paper, scissors" with Hexi. C. He spilled something terrible on his bed. D. He knew a new classmate named Hexi.
- Why Hexi urged to have preserved vegetables with Song? A. He was hungry. B. He wanted to recall the good memory. C. He thought Song is a weak man. D. He just wanted to make jokes on Song again.
- What do you think is the best word to describe Song? A. Boss. B. Warrior. C. Tortoise. D. Handsome Boy.
- What happened to Song in Senior 1?(Song 在高一时经历了什么?) A. He had lunch for which was paid by Hexi.(Hexi 请他吃饭。) B. He played "rock, paper, scissors" with Hexi.(跟 Hexi 玩剪刀石头布) C. He spilled something terrible on his bed.(把脏东西泼到了床上) D. He knew a new classmate named Hexi.(认识了一个新同学叫 Hexi)
抓准题眼“Senior 1”,这是个很重要的关键词,可以在文章对应的位置找到,是解阅读题的一个技巧,帮助我们快速定位想要的信息。
于是我们看第二段 Hexi 怪笑着说想回忆高一一起做过的事,再往下看就会知道 Song 在喝榨菜(preserved vegetables)汁的时候把汤汁泼在了床上。
所以本题选 C。
而有的同学就会想的有点多,奇怪了,高一不是高中刚开学吗,Song 应该确实是认识了新同学 Hexi 的啊。事实上,Hexi 自从初中起就是 Song 的同学了,这一点文中并没有给出,我们千万不能主观臆测!
- Why Hexi urged to have preserved vegetables with Song?(为什么 Hexi 极力主张要和 Song 一起吃榨菜?) A. He was hungry.(饿了。) B. He wanted to recall the good memory.(想重温美好回忆。) C. He thought Song is a weak man.(他认为 Song 是个懦夫。) D. He just wanted to make jokes on Song again.(他就是想再捉弄一次 Song。)
比如 A,我们知道,榨菜这种调味品怎么吃都吃不饱人的。韩剧里面为什么人那么容易死,就因为泡菜吃多了。一个道理,这玩意儿很伤身体的。A 选项排除。
再看C,同样从第三段 Song 的心理活动知道,Song 认为如果这个时候拒绝 Hexi 一起吃榨菜的请求就会鄙视,但 Hexi 的本意实际不是来嘲弄 Song 的。C 选项排除。
那么 Hexi 的本意究竟是什么呢?“重温美好回忆”?拜托,吃榨菜哪里美好了?对于 Song 来说,那次泼榨菜汤在床上已经留下了很大的阴影,说不定这件事还时常被 Hexi 翻出来重提。所以我们稍加推理也能排除 B。
于是本题答案选 D,对,Hexi 就是想捉弄 Song。
最后来到第三题。 > 3. What do you think is the best word to describe Song?(你认为什么词最能形容 Song?) > A. Boss.(老板。) > B. Warrior.(大侠。) > C. Tortoise.(乌龟。) > D. Handsome Boy.(帅逼。)
一眼望过去我就能把 A 和 C 排除,这俩词跟本文没有什么联系。
那估计很多同学会因为不认识 B 这个单词,而在 B 和 D 之间举棋不定。
电影《功夫熊猫》中有这样一句话:“I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.(我感到神龙大侠就在我们中间。)”
老实说,我觉得 D 其实更准确。